"Na-na-na that that don't kill me, can only make me stronger

I need you to hurry up now 'Cause I can't wait much longer!" -- K. west

No big shock that I wrote this two weeks ago and am just now getting around to posting this, there's just been SO much on my mind lately that I'm trying to plan out what comes next here on the blog, and I got a little caught up. So here's one that should be dated: 3/24/15

So Mike has been home sick from work for two days. This... sickness has been running through our house finding a new host every few days since Valentines day. Mostly choosing me. I've been suffering silently through most of it cuz nannies don't get sick days, but I will tell you that I love gold bond. And I am very over this stomach thing. Living here, we all expect to get the run of the mill grossness during the winter months because Helene is a Kindergarten teacher, and now Amelia is in preschool. Which means we get it from TWO places, now. Although, we have made the observation that this GI bug that people have gotten has been pretty universal through out all of... America, basically. Everyone has had the same symptoms, the same pain and the grossness coming out all ends... and all anyone can really tell us is "Yup. You got the grossness. Drink water. Get rest. Sorry!".

I was feeling all kinds of fancy these past two days because Mike was sick, but I was not! It was awesome! Not for him, clearly... but for me! YAY! Because quite honestly, this particular brand of nastiness, has been in me to some degree for over a month... and yet here I am, feeling great. I even had a wonderful workout yesterday, and I got some research done, and some planning done, and the weather has been nice, and YES.

But then I woke up today, and the sky was literally grey. Boo. But okay, fine. I cannot control that. Then the kids woke up, miserable and hating life. Not because they are sick necessarily, but because they didn't sleep well (stupid kids, don't you know how great sleep is? FITFO), and neither did their daddy, because the ick is strong with that one. So he stayed home today. Which, while I hate that he's sick, I like having other people in the house, even if I was a little bitchy today (my couch dreams were SO messed up this morning... set my whole day off strangely). But then I ate some fried food for lunch (because yes), and about an hour later felt like there were rocks in my stomach. Fine. I'll deal. Probably because I ate poorly, which I rarely do.

But then Helene came in with what seemed to be ALL of Safeways Gatorade and she rushed into the bathroom with the quote "daddy is so good at sharing." Even still, I was in my head going "yes, still not me!"

HAHA jokes. about 45 minutes later... me too. Again. I'd be more concerned about this, except that this (rather unfortunate) trend has been happening to basically everyone we know (including Amelia's preschool). No one can seem to get a handle on it.

When Helene got home she exclaimed "I BOUGHT LYSOL WIPES TO WIPE EVERYTHING DOWN. BECAUSE I AM SICK OF THIS SICK. I... AM DONE"  I had to laugh, because... yeah. Me too.

Okay, so why the insight into the our version of Sick, Sad, World? Well, I am not going to wax philosophical about the stupid stupid butt flu (yeah, I said butt flu), or about how there is a lesson in being sick. Sure, I'm sure there is. But this is not that kind of illness. Its not the kind of thing that you take away anything other than how wonderful it is to taste and enjoy food again without repercussions, and wanting to buy a lot of stock in Charmin...

But, I wanted to mention this "Situation" because I've been feeling a bit of camaraderie on social media about this particular brand of sick, lately. It seems like a weird thing to bond over. "oh hey I'm sick!" "oh yeah? me too! how long have you had it? " "oh ya know three days, but I'm on the mend now" "that's great! I just started, so I'm guessing theres a few days left of this" "yeah. its the worst. Gatorade and bland foods gurrrrrl" "oh you right. you right" "you got this!"

In a world where everything is at our fingertips, we really do isolate each other sometimes. But, rarely do we miss an opportunity to commiserate. Wording it like that is perhaps a little negative... There's a comfort in knowing that you can just open your lap top, or pick up your phone and know that there is someone on the other end of that screen that can maybe possibly understand what you're going through.

I mean in my case at this very moment, its gross sickness. But it applies to so much more. I recently became active in a few facebook groups that deal with Bi Polar disorder, and borderline personality disorder... and the resources that are available there, are just... unparalleled (did you know there is a specific hot line in EACH STATE for this? amazing. Wish I had known that in my darker times. I want to get involved, too). There's always someone on that group during all hours of the day or night, there to talk through whatever part of the stages you're trying to handle on your own, and its just so unbelievably uplifting. I am 100% positive that these groups have saved lives. Its incredible.

And on a lesser scale I'm a member of some online photography groups that have members that are SO willing to be helpful to others in the group. Its so nice to see people in what is considered in many circles a petty community, embrace each other. I think the saying goes something like "I don't want to compete with anyone. I hope we all make it."

Its good to feel connected. Even if that connection is because of something "unfun".

It can feel a little superficial though, its true. Social media gets minimized a lot. In previous lives of mine I'd hear "oh Martha, its just facebook... no need to be upset about it..."

Well, sure. Its just words on a page, just as easily typed as it is deleted all while the ambient light of the screen can illuminate an Internet trolls face, as they anonymously tear down someone. Whats worse is when its NOT anonymous, and the vaguebook isn't so vague, and its mean and pointed. Not to say I'm not guilty of this. I am sometimes. Its TOO EASY to just, vent with your finger tips. Its a way to externalize something, and have it gain some traction, without actually... externalizing it. Positive OR negative, we all post on facebook to get some sort of reaciton, whether it be a pat on the back, some advice, to brag, to tell all, to share or to tear down. I'd LIKE to think that I've gotten better about how I handle my facebook, personally. I feel like when I get down or lonely, or angry... I make it about ME and what I am going through, instead of trying to pass the buck on someone else. And I truly honestly cannot remember the last time I took to facebook to purposefully hurt someone. I just simply cannot imagine doing that at this point in my life. Vent? sure. Bitch and moan about how I hate things? sure. Brag about how Ian used the potty all day? sure (he hasn't yet, btw...). Feel sorry for myself? sure. Be heartbroken? sure. Be excited? sure. But to tear someone down just to watch the world burn?... mmm... no. Because words hurt. And since so much of our connections are met and introduced and bolstered by the internet these days, its so easy to go to facebook and just say things for the sake of saying them (or even for the sake of venting), and find someone out there that might make you feel better, or maybe feeling the way that you do, or even... just recognize that you're upset/angry/happy and offer some sort of comfort/affirmation.

Its not always negative (although, I am feeling a little bit like I've been the dumping ground for some social media negativity lately, so I apologize if thats bleeding through in here...). And that, I guess is my point. So many connections are sustained through this facespace situation. And its wonderful! As someone that grew up in a house where foreign exchange students (college) were at my house weekly for dinners, and then attended college(s) herself, and also marched drum corps in another state... social media has saved SO many of my relationships. Its so amazing to receive and offer birthday wishes to and from Sri Lanka without a ridiculously long distance call and a 5 second delay. And its great to be able to google hang out/skype with my besties in PA because we're too busy to be able to dedicate a lot of travel time to visit, and I cannot even begin to describe to you how much easier deployments are with facbeook, facebook chat, skype, email etc etc.

So how can it be "just facebook". How can one not pay attention to the happenings there? I'm not saying that my life is facebook, but I will tell you that much of my live is within it.

Not in the sense that social media is my only source of social interaction. Its not. I'm out and about every weekend, I live with some of the greatest people, I travel up to PA (maybe even this weekend ;) ) as much as I can, and I'm meeting people at events that I've been photographing, I host shindigs and spend as much time as I can with the people I love. But I think older generations look at our experience with social media as a dependency, and believe that we are lazy and use it as an excuse to not go out and do things (*says in grandma voice* like we used to do back in my day... and get off my lawn!"). And I can see that there is some truth to that, its like what I was saying about the negative spin on this. Its EASY. Its EASY to go online and be a thundercunt to someone and then just delete it an hour later, or to go and troll on some cult nut jobs under a fake name. But its also just as easy to drop a line to someone you haven't seen in months, or spend a night making someones day better by lending an ear. Its easy.

And I guess, in a lot of ways, the easy access can lead to superficial relationships. I have experienced this first hand. I can't tell you how many men (err... boys, i guess, if ya wanna be quippy about it) will send me a message at 2am because they like my profile picture, give me their best booty call game and then I won't hear from them for 2 months. But thats okay. I'm sure that would be just as likely to happen at some dirty bar at last call anyway, and this way I didn't even have to pretend to be interested, or wear pants.

But even in the superficial-est of relationships and connections... we're all still searching for a connection. Even if its a short lived dirrrty one. Even if its because you're drinking haterade and need to vent. Even if its because you feel like you had a wonderful mommy moment you want to share. Even if its just about how you have buttflu. Even if its just about hashtaglegday. You're searching for a connection to someone, something, some thing to share in. Even if you're posting about how you bought a camera and want to use it. *blink blink*

I quite honestly have been missing some sincere connection lately. Its not a bad thing, and its just a temporary feeling. But I've been so wrapped up in Flave Flave land (la la land if you will), that I sort of took a hiatus from really feeling connected. I suppose thats part of the bi polar, needing to sort of retract oneself away for a bit to recenter. But even in those times, I'm still on facebook, I'm still posting. Looking for a connection. Looking to share. And in the past few months I've definitely been resurfacing a bit and really reconnecting with people I love SO much (Carla, baby love... talkin about you lady lol), taking the time to really listen, and even *gasp* reaching out to people instead of waiting for people to reach out to me. I wasn't/am not looking for a single connection, or a singular connection. By that, I mean I'm not looking for a romantic relationship (although hey, if one presents itself...), I was/am just looking to feel inspired. And to feel a part of something outside of myself again.

In my particular case, my world has remained a little small lately. My conversations on a day to day basis involve poop, diapers and coloring. All valid conversations, but there's only so much of that to discuss with "normal" people before its absolutely the most bland conversation ever. My love life has always been a nice hot topic for discussion, even in this past year when I was really excited about it (because it was happy and not so frustrating), so with people in my circle that'd be something other than poop diapers and coloring to discuss, happily. But now, the newest thing thats been going on with me is this whole photography thing. (And I have to admit, I'm a little pissed that I sort of announced it the way that  I did. But I felt like if I wasn't clear with what was going on, that it was just going to get misread. The point of that announcement was not "I am starting a business" (because i am not at this point), the point of that announcement was "hey I have a new hobby and I'm starting to take some fun and positive risks with my life. And I want you all involved in my journey".

*still true, btw*)

And because of that topic, its started to invite new conversations and causing me to feel more involved with the people in my life. Because now I'm talking about my fears openly, and talking about my dreams, and bouncing ideas off of people. And now I'm talking about projects. And  even talking about how my disorder has played a strong role in my achievements in my life thus far. Moving out of my comfort zone, even just in mentioning a change to the world, has opened up a beautiful Pandora's box of topics that have had me feeling invigorated (And I haven't even shot my first session yet)! Which, oddly enough, is exactly what I was hoping this shift with me would do. I was hoping that it would cause conversation, and new adventures, and new people, and old friendships becoming stronger forces in my life. And its been good.

Connections. Networking within connections. Connecting to the connections. I was looking to break free a little, and I definitely feel much lighter these days. Its nice. I don't feel jumbled up at all.

In fact, if anything, I'm much more organized in my head. I have lists all over my room right now of things  that need to get done, things that have to happen, ideas, time lines, story boards. And I'd say that most of them at this point really do not have much to do (or anything to do...) with starting a business, but rather getting out there and trying something new. Its the year of Fuck Yes.

I'm finding that the year of FUCK YES, really has much less to do with...  "go, go go" and much more to do with finding connections, and finding bridges, and mending old ones, and trying new things, and just... "leaning into the fear to get a happy ending" as Meredith Grey would say.

So, thanks. Thanks for taking this journey with me. And thanks for staying connected. Even if it means that I start sounding like a marketing dumb dumb online, or talk about potty training (for Ian, not for me ;) ),

And thanks for allowing me to reach out through facebook and the like, to you. And maybe take a minute to realize that every post someone puts up, no matter the subject matter... is looking for a response. So perhaps, if you see something cruel online don't feed the nonsense. And even when it seems negative, realize they are going through something and take a minute to instead of judging them... send some happy their way! We're all on a journey, and not every single step is going to be in the right direction. Sometimes we take a few steps back before making the next big leap, so consider sending some positivity their way. Because even those crazy internet trolls are looking for a connection of SOME kind, its up to you to decide what type they get. And maybe the light and love you send (even if just in thought), will make all the difference.

*remind me of these things at a later time, when I no doubt, will stumble... lol*

And don't stop reaching out, either. Even if you're feeling defeated. Trust me when I tell you, you are never alone in any feeling you might be experiencing. And you are validated, and you are allowed to feel what you feel. Keep reaching out. <3

Next blog will be a little less, high horse-y and a little more "DUDE LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!" And it will be more relevant to whats going on currently, and less about the buttflu that lasted a fortnight. And probably an image from an event I just photographed. So stay tuned for that ;)

Haters gon' hate
lovers gon' love
Flavah gon' Flave
So go forth and be awesome,


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