Cuz I'm young and I'm hip,
And I'm beautiful. I'm gonna be a supermodel! -- Letters to Cleo
Okay, so this is a question that I get asked constantly. Well, not its not a question more so a statement that I feel needs to be addressed.
"But, I'm not a model!"
Excuse the bluntless. but... STAHP IT, GORGEOUS!
A model call is just a silly professional industry term that means "I am looking for amazing people to step in front of my lens, be one of them!"
I remember before I was involved in the industry at all and I would see a friend of mine post about how she needed models for her projects, and I distinctly remember thinking "thats not me, I'm not a model". I misunderstood grossly what they were asking.
So I am here to clear things up.
Are you a woman? Then you're exactly what I am looking for in front of my lens. ;)
Your body is a vessel that was given to you in order to tell your story. And I can tell you that every single girl that as come across my work or my studio has given me all kinds of warnings about themselves before making a commitment to a session. And all of those insecurities that you have are exactly the reasons why you SHOULD have session.
I've had mothers, fiancees, those suffering from illness, teachers, students, those celebrating their
dirty 30's, those celebrating their flirty 50's, divorcees, recently married, graduates, those recently finding themselves broken hearted, those that are exhausted and unsure and looking for peace, and those who are wild and daring looking for a little more fire. All walks of life and all different and beautiful and wonderful paths have graced my studio.
You are a beautiful story. You are full of intense curiosity, and boundless potential. You hold the world in your hands. Sometimes you're scared, and thats alright. But know that you are not alone.
I found this poem on my artistic travels a while ago (Hat tip to Sue Bryce for quoting this on creativeLive oh so many moons ago).

Never ever let your inner voice tell you tat you are not pretty enough, or not smart enough; or simply just not enough. You ARE enough. You are worthy. You are the light. Your story, and everything that you've accomplished and fought for and drug yourself out of the mud for, and every day that you wake up and remind the world that you are here, and every happy tear or cry of isolation, and every single reason and experience you have EVER had makes you who you are. And that person is beautiful. You are beautiful.
The next time you feel the urge to celebrate that. Do not hesitate. Embrace the skin and the body you're in. Its there to help you tell your story and to carry you every single adventure you are fated to have. Take the leap.
Exist in photos. Exists in experiences that create and cultivate your inner goddess.
So the next time you see the words "model call" on a photographers page, remember that they are, in fact speaking to you. You, even scared, are exactly the person they want. They are opening the door for you to have the experience of a life time, and all you have to do is say yes. Because you are so unbelievably deserving to know and love every inch of yourself, inside and out.
Yours in this journey we call life,
go forth and be awesome,
"But, I'm not a model!"
Excuse the bluntless. but... STAHP IT, GORGEOUS!
A model call is just a silly professional industry term that means "I am looking for amazing people to step in front of my lens, be one of them!"
I remember before I was involved in the industry at all and I would see a friend of mine post about how she needed models for her projects, and I distinctly remember thinking "thats not me, I'm not a model". I misunderstood grossly what they were asking.
So I am here to clear things up.
Are you a woman? Then you're exactly what I am looking for in front of my lens. ;)
Your body is a vessel that was given to you in order to tell your story. And I can tell you that every single girl that as come across my work or my studio has given me all kinds of warnings about themselves before making a commitment to a session. And all of those insecurities that you have are exactly the reasons why you SHOULD have session.
I've had mothers, fiancees, those suffering from illness, teachers, students, those celebrating their
dirty 30's, those celebrating their flirty 50's, divorcees, recently married, graduates, those recently finding themselves broken hearted, those that are exhausted and unsure and looking for peace, and those who are wild and daring looking for a little more fire. All walks of life and all different and beautiful and wonderful paths have graced my studio.
You are a beautiful story. You are full of intense curiosity, and boundless potential. You hold the world in your hands. Sometimes you're scared, and thats alright. But know that you are not alone.
Body image is a real thing. Especially for us ladies (yes, men, I know you feel the pressure too. I got you, boo).We look at ourselves as our own worst critics, hating bits and pieces of yourself. But what if, just for a moment, or two a day you stopped focusing on those things and began to celebrate the things you love? Your ambition, your drive, your want for more, your strength, your hair, your kids, your job, your style, your faith, your eyes, your creativity, the little voice inside you that you hear when you know you're on the right path. Thats you. Thats your incredible sense of assurance and pride. Thats who you are. You are a sum of all your beautifully created pieces.
I found this poem on my artistic travels a while ago (Hat tip to Sue Bryce for quoting this on creativeLive oh so many moons ago).
"The time will come
when, with elation
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror
and each will smile at the other's welcome,
and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you
all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,
the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life."
-- Derek Walcott
-- Derek Walcott

The next time you feel the urge to celebrate that. Do not hesitate. Embrace the skin and the body you're in. Its there to help you tell your story and to carry you every single adventure you are fated to have. Take the leap.
Exist in photos. Exists in experiences that create and cultivate your inner goddess.
So the next time you see the words "model call" on a photographers page, remember that they are, in fact speaking to you. You, even scared, are exactly the person they want. They are opening the door for you to have the experience of a life time, and all you have to do is say yes. Because you are so unbelievably deserving to know and love every inch of yourself, inside and out.
Yours in this journey we call life,
go forth and be awesome,
*Martha is the executive photographer for Mflave Photography, a portrait photography studio based out of Maryland, serving PA, MD and VA, dedicated to giving a luxurious and intimate portrait and boudoir experience* (and she also photographs the occasional cute kid ;) )
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