For you have swings to be swung on, Trees to be climbed up!
Days to be young on, Toys you can wind up"
(a quote from one of my favorite songs, Jenny Rebecca)
(a quote from one of my favorite songs, Jenny Rebecca)
So it doesn't feel that long ago that I gushed over Calvin, and in grand scheme of things it was a very short time ago. But in his life, he's already lived twice as long as the last time I posted about it (or something like that. I don't do math).
Mary had intended on getting newborn pictures done (by someone not me lol) but time moved so fast, and adjusting to life with baby Calvin home was, of course, an adjustment. She was a little bummed to have missed the "new born window" (which all reality is like 10 days for photographers or something like that, I don't know. Its clearly not where my focus is). I told her that the next time I saw her, I'd bring my camera and get some pictures of the wee man while he is still wee. This is not something I normally volunteer to do, but she's family, and lets be honest, I am kinda in love with her little boy <3 But I ended up not seeing her for another week and a week in baby time is a very big deal... but FINALLY I told her that I would just be "ready" whenever, and that she could stop by during naptime here, and I would take 10 minutes and capture some baby toes and the like.
Basically, it went like this. She came over, we brought Calvin down to my room, placed him on my bed, and went to town for as long as I could get the dogs to chill ;) We were sort of cramped on time and space, so they aren't super flashy, but I've always been drawn to baby pictures that were more focused on the baby than the background. And Calvin was such a good sport through the whole thing. <3 He even started to look like he was enjoying having us hovering over him <3
Anyway, here are some pictures, not all of them, but some of my favorites. I am really honored to have some of these hanging up on Rich and Mary's walls soon <3
Here he is! <3
Baby toes!!!

So moral of the story is, if I love you and you have a cute kid, I'll try steal him from you.
Wait, no thats right.
I will take pictures of him for you. That sounds more correct. ;)
And baby Calvin? I am very excited to watch you grow. I'm going to love you your whole life <3
Go forth and be awesome,
*Martha is a photographer for Mflave Photography, a portrait photography studio based out of Maryland, serving PA, MD and VA, dedicated to giving a luxurious and intimate boudoir experience* (and she also photographs the occasional baby ;) )
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