It couldn't fit more perfectly
"It couldn't fit more perfectly
Than to have a world party on the day you came to be" -- Stevie Wonder
I cannot believe how long its been since I've blogged! I've been back logged on that part of the job for a while now. Facebook is definitely a place where I'd rather spend time... buuuuut...
My birthday was last Monday and my "on this day" on facebook reminded me that I had made a video to all the "haters" when I turned 30. Baically it was me being a big nerd and saying "eff off to those who didn't think I'd make it this far. ;) And it made me giggle so I thought I would do something similar again.
My life is so very different than I imagined it would be. And the last few months have done a number on me in a big way, but I haven't done an "about me" in a while. Or Ever... so... Here are 34 things about me or things I've learned, in honor of my 34 birthday. Yup. You read that right. Thirty-four. And I make it look good ;)
1) I am currently obsessed with Panic! At the Disco. The death of Bachelor album made my heart sing.
2) I am on try 40001 of trying to eat better and work out more regularly.
3) losing a parent adjusts your reality completely. Even if you were basically estranged from them.
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My niece, my dad and I after moms memorial. |
4) I really struggled for a while on how to settle on WHY I do photography. But in the past year its been made very clear to me that the reason is: I never ever want someone to feel unwanted or or unloved or unworthy. As someone who has felt all of those things rather readily, it has been my mission in almost all aspects of my life to be all inclusive. This now extends to my photography. It is my wish and my hope to give people a safe place to remember their inner individualistic strength and sense of self.
5) That said, thats not the reason why I started. I started because someone said that I couldn't ;)
6) the sexiest quality in a person is passion. I know that sounds vague, but if someone is openly talking about their favorite hobby or career choice excitedly I am totally entranced. Like, I know zero about baking, but I will watch a baker bake all damn day. Passion is fascinating and contagious.
7) a tie for the sexiest quality is mannerisms. All the way.
8) for those always wondering why people always post on my wall about pizza its because I once said this; Sex is like pizza. Even if its bad... its still pizza.
9) I have a dream project. Its a book with portraits of those suffering from mental illness, showing strength and vulnerability. And how to live a wonderful life with things that are seemingly limiting you.
10) I would also like to travel and do boudoir on every continent in awesome locations.
11) I plan to be more in front of the camera this year. ;)
12 Being a member of a world class drum corps has taught me the importance of time management. And it makes me crazy when people don't have some semblance of it.
13) I am a nanny to Iggy (4) and Amelia (6) are two of the craziest and awesome humans that have ever existed. And I am lucky to be their Marsa.
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my baby nerd friends <3 |
15) The next step for me in business is... full time. Which, I should be very soon. Wanna help me with that? ;)
16) The next step for me in life is... financial stability. That sounds so boring. But its going to change a lot of things within my life to help me be more versatile and more social. Two things that have been significantly stifled in most recent years. I am looking forward to changing my life.
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"No one makes me bleed my own blood!" |
17) favorite beer is Sam Adams summer Ale. No question. (give me summer always. swimming, late nights, loose schedules...)
18) I come from a political family. My mom was on the city council in the state capital of MD, Annapolis. And my dad was the mayor of Sykesville, MD. I went to a lot of fancy parties as a kid.
19) I have been in love 3 times. The first being just a high school thang, but the last two were real, honest and life affirming. Just because they didn't last, doesn't mean it didn't matter. <3 Thinking about it makes me believe I could find it again. <3
19a) I am also a very big cynic. So, jury's out ;)
20) I am... err.. was a very dedicated and talented flute player, but I kind of put it down for a while in order to march drum corps (trumpet, albeit not well). Despite my bad trumpet chops, I still managed to be on the team that won a lot of world championships. So, thats kinda great. :)
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2012 |
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2009 |
21) I was also a classically trained dancer and was part of a dance company for a while. crazy, right?
22) I haven't held a normal job since 2008.
23) I moved 17 times in 9 years
24) I have lived in this house (with this zoo of heartbeats) longer than anywhere other than my parents house.
25) I do not want kids of my own. Helping raise the two that I am has taken up so much of my head and my heart that I'm not sure I could do it all over again myself. Plus, labor and pregnancy scare the crap out of my and my already falling apart body. I am proud and support any woman who chooses to be a bad ass mom, or a bad ass with out kids. You do you, ladies. I've got your back.
26) I am half adopted. My mother was my real mother, but my "dad" is my step dad. or, he WAS until we changed the birth certificate.
27) I took on my dads name when we made the change.
28) I hate mornings. Thats never gonna change.
29) I went to 4 different colleges.
30) Mflave spurred from a casual conversation when someone threw it in to be silly. I have now basically assumed that name at most organizations I get involved in. I am not at all ashamed of how ridiculous it can sound. Because, I too, am a little ridiculous.
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Photo cred to my sister at Photography by Jo |
31) 2018 really needs to not have hints of 2017. While the first half of this year I met gracefully and energetically, the back half has had too much death, and serious illness, and debilitating injuries. BE GONE WITH THAT SHIT.
32) The first picture I ever took that I fell in love with was one of my parents together, at a birthday party with a point and shoot in 2007 (2008 maybe?) It was candid, and sweet. And Its still to this day one of my favorites
33) dude, I am not a sweets person. But give me all the Reeses type things. Also chocolate covered fruit. Put it in or around my mouth please.
34) I really love all the connections I've been developing with my photography. I am still such a baby in the industry and I get giddy every single time someone messages me about booking, but I have established so many new friendships and awesome opportunities and I just feel really lucky to be meeting and loving on the people who are walking this journey with me. You're my tribe. <3
35) bonus fact. I am obsessed with Parks and Rec (Chris Pratt is a National treasure, as is the rest of that cast, god DAMN), Gilmore Girls, Star Wars andThe Jurassic Park movies. I also believe that the Avengers Infinity War may actually hurt my soul with how incredibly (and possibly heart breaking) its going to be. And I am not at all ashamed of my nerd-ery. :)
Stay cool, go forth and be awesome!
Martha is the executive photographer for Mflave Photography, a portrait photography studio based out of Maryland, serving PA, MD and VA, dedicated to giving a luxurious and intimate portrait and boudoir experience
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