It's Friday, Friday...

Gotta get down on Friday!

So, I had intentions on sitting down and really hammering out a blog about whats been going on with me and some really in depth thoughts from yours truly.

But it sort of occurred to me, that since I've been feeling a little lighter than how I was even three weeks ago, that my need to be hyper verbal with cerebral nonsense has really fallen to the wayside. I DID begin to write on some topics that I feel I'd like to wax philosophical about. Some are EVEN POLITICAL.

I know, thats like playing with fire here on the internets. But hey, I have thoughts and I like writing them down... so you can handle it, I have faith.

But instead of going on a tirade about anything heavy... I'd like to just sum up in a few sentences (or paragraphs) about the status of me and all "the haps".

Baby Ian is adorable. He's doing this quirky smirking thing that is just too cute to handle. We haven't broken him yet, although Amelia is learning what acceptable "nice hands" are pretty quickly. Also, Ian likes BLAST. Yes, thats important information. ;)  In other baby related news (cuz we, as a household, don't tend to publicize poop on the internet... literal poop), Amelia has made the decision on her own-some to use the potty. She's batting about a .700 on that when she's awake and we couldn't be more excited! The only time she's negligent on this front is when she's too mad to focus on anything life related, and therefore rage-quits into another room and... forgets. Its cool. She's not even two.

Helene is doing a great job managing everything. Not to mention, she's headed back to school soon. Ridiculous! She's a super hero.

My room is in a state of seeming upheaval. Here's the thing... its not. Well, it hasn't been upheaved (is that a word?). Its just a hot mess because I was lazy Since forever. Ever since I went to VA for the 4th, I just never resettled back into the whole... being at home thing. So, after my weekend tryst in PA this weekend, I am going to commit to making this place more together, and more professional and more, ready to be presented or even lived in... ugh. I hate that its a mess right now.

That being said, I've decided to start a photography business. Its low key, and will remain that way for a while. I have some shoots and events already  in my sights in the next few weeks, and thats all I am willing to say about that right now until I am more settled in the decision and... am more capable of dealing with the fallout that I know is going to come from it. Just know, that this is a decision I just made this past week and I am still digesting the whole idea. And while I'm a little on the defensive side about it, let me just say that this decision has been something I've been thinking about since Christmas. And this idea is something I tried to squash for a few years now. So I decided to just say, oh so eloquoently "screw it", and ignore the negative voices and just see what my beautiful and crazy and complex mind can do with this. And in the words of Gump; "and thats all I've got to say... about that" (right now). I'm keeping it low key for now, so thats how your opinions about this should also remain.

I'm personally, doing alright. There have been bumps on the road from a bruised ego along side a bruised heart, but I'd say that I'm... doing alright! Of course this is usually about the time where the other shoe drops, but I'm pretty confident that I can handle whatever it is thats next. To say that I'm completely over it would be a blatant lie. But I'll tell you that my anxiety has all but disappeared, and I've been feeling more me than I have in months. And THAT is something that I'd like to call an epic upswing! Nothing has really changed, except for me just battling the demons every day and pushing forward... which makes me feel really proud to be me (wow, sooooo gheeeeeyyyyyy). But really, its nice to know that I have the ability to not be totally stunted after falling. I guess, you never know how strong you are until you have to rebound. An according to almost every book I've ever read about it... Scorpios are known for rising from the ashes, punching things and kicking ass during their accent. So, thats the plan.

Ella has gone crazygonuts this week. I have NO idea why, but she's acting like she's a little puppy again, and its obnoxious. I love her, but sweet hayzoos Ells... staahhhhp.

I am headed up to drum corps this weekend for the home show (part uno). It will be a nice little mini get away for me to hang out with some of my most favorite people, before I start really delving into DUI hell, and business start up-y things. I just... as frustrated as I get with the organization from time to time (which is to be expected from anything you truly care about), I really just... love my blue family. And I'm excited to spend time with them <3

I'm just in a better mood lately. And I've worked hard to be. And in a lot of ways, its really nice to know that I am able to do that for myself, without asking anyone else to pull me through the mud. Although, I couldn't possibly be feeling this way with out having my friends unfailingly by my side. They've just been so supportive with every crazy notion I've had in the past... well two and a half years, and I'm so thankful for them. It sounds so unbelievably trite and ... un-hearfelt-y... but I couldn't be more sincere. I suppose I'll dedicate a love fest blog to the notables at a later time. <3

I hope you all are doing well... everyone should be doing well. We all deserve to be. Just keep that in mind the next time you feel you're failing and that you have earned that feeling. You haven't, and you deserve the happy.

Keep on keepin on, go forth and be awesome,


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