love me or hate me its still an obsession.
"They say good girls keep diaries... bad girls never have the time" --One Tree Hill.
What a perfect way to start this post. I've been formulating a blog in my head for a while now. But I've been neglecting it. Mostly because real life got in the way... but I have some time today... so...
For those of you that know the inner workings of my personal/love life you know that this summer has not been an easy one. But for those of you that THINK you know, you probably assume many things because of my facebook. But you know what they say when you assume...
There have been a few fun little... stories being told about me lately. And honestly, the truth is MUCH more interesting than the fables being spread. So its laughable to me that these little rumors have been going on, when the truth is SO much more juicy to talk about. But I wanted to address some of the things being said here in my blog. Much like Lady Gaga would do, only... less public (I mean I know I have readers, but this ain't no Vanity Fair).
1- I got kicked out of the drum corps.
No I most certainly did not! I made the choice to take a few steps away from the organization for a few months, and then was going to revisit the idea of marching again in the spring, if there was a spot available. With my involvement with the studio at the time, and my role as part time nanny/full time live in best friend/studio manager, and the threat of a key element/person deploying to the middle east, I just didn't see it making much sense to pull myself away from my "real" life on my weekends... which would have severely hindered my career at the time. I'm not sure where this whole "martha got kicked out yada yada yada" business came from... but it was 100% my choice to take a break. And a nap.
Things changed, so my life became a little more drum corps friendly and thats when I came to be fangirl 2011. And in case you haven't noticed, I'm hornline member number 61 anyway. I should make t -shirts.
2- That I was drinking ON the bus during the last bus ride.
Incorrect once again. Unless you count the coca-cola I had... Did I drink before I got on? yes. A lot? yes. But I filled up my coke bottle with COKE (the soda... not the drug) once we were told we were leaving. So for those of you who feel the need to send texts to the staff or the admin about what you THINK is going on... sniff the bottle. Puff puff pass.... bro.
In addition, I was laying on the floor at 12:17am getting ready to pass out. I would like to mention that there were about 5 people between he back of the bus and my seat that were up and talking and laughing when I decided I was sleepy panda. So the next time you make fun of me during stretch block claiming I was the one keeping everyone on the bus up, or decide to text staff about what you perceive to be true... perhaps you should actually look around and see who the culprit is. I was passed out like WHAT. Arnold Palmer made that happen for me. And for that, thank him.
Oh, btw... rehearsal started at 11 the next morning, so if you couldn't function during Sundays rehearsal b/c of lack of sleep... thats sort of on you this time.
3- Last season I supplied beer to minors.
3a- so that they would sleep with me.
Yeah. I know, right? I mean CLEARLY I am in such need of "someone" that I need to essentially pay someone 10 years younger than me for a good time, right? I mean, obviously. I just love to corrupt the youngins. And really, lets face it... buying them alcohol is the only way to get people to be with me, right?
okay, listen, had it ever occurred to you people that maybe, I just actually LIKED my section? And that I enjoyed hanging out with them, no matter the age? and thats why I hung out with those people? Or that maybe, just maybe... I'm single by choice? I can honestly say that I did not knowingly supply underagers with alcohol last season. Just ask my boyfriend Hakeem, right? since... ya know, he's in my age group and all... ;)
Way to go and make me seem like I'm paying people for sex too. Good work. Underagers no less. Its rumors like that that can really hurt someones professional career. Good work though... but it literally is UNBELIEVABLE. If you know anything about me, you'd know you have to be at least 25 to ride this ride ;)
4- which brings me to my next rumor I earned the title of corps whore
BWAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHA. HA. hahaha...... ha. ha. *whew* thats a good one! I mean, I know I flirt or whatever... but really? No. Just... haha. no. That really couldn't be farther from the truth. yeesh. HA
5- I went legitimately crazy last fall
Oh? Really? that must be some SWANK mental institution. Ya know... the one that lets me update facebook incessantly, work for a wedding photographer, travel all over the east coast, and participate in photoshoots? Right, thats what thought...
6-I'm into girls now
Right, clearly. are you basing that off of the guys I've dated or....? ...what? And even if I was... who the fuck cares. This is the lamest rumor ever.
7-I found out I was pregnant at Wildwood, which is why I wasn't at Kelly's on Saturday.
Did you get that impression from the 20lbs I LOST? It couldn't possibly be that I felt Kelly's was gonna be too crowded for me, or that I just didn't feel like getting wastey face. Its MUCH more plausible that I'm pregnant... right? You people make me laugh.
So those are the rumors I KNOW about. Which means that there are more. If I had a camera on my laptop, I probably would have addressed these one by one, all Jenna Marbles style, dressing up as each of these persona's that the rumors would suggest exist.
I am not mad about them, in fact, I think they're sort of funny. A friend of mine once asked me if I ever got angry about the things being said. I told them, simply... "no". Which is partially true. There have been a few rumors in the past that have definitely made me cringe and hurt a little. But when they are as ridiculous as "martha is a crazy preggers pedophile turned lesbo" I can't help but laugh it off. Sometimes bad stories can hurt someones career, I've seen them destroy lives. But in this particular case? nah. I'm sort of flattered that people feel the need to talk about my supposed "bad girl" habits... makes me feel like I have the paparazzi following me or something. But it'd be nice if one of the following things happened instead:
1-you would recognize all of the positive aspects of my awesome
2- stopped worrying about me and got your feet in time
I don't mind being the spotlight... But people, find something else to talk about.
In other more boring/upsetting drum corps news... They cancelled homeshow. I decided that I am going to go up and be member 61 anyway because... well, how can I corrupt the youth of the drum corps, if I'm not there?
too soon?
What a perfect way to start this post. I've been formulating a blog in my head for a while now. But I've been neglecting it. Mostly because real life got in the way... but I have some time today... so...
For those of you that know the inner workings of my personal/love life you know that this summer has not been an easy one. But for those of you that THINK you know, you probably assume many things because of my facebook. But you know what they say when you assume...
There have been a few fun little... stories being told about me lately. And honestly, the truth is MUCH more interesting than the fables being spread. So its laughable to me that these little rumors have been going on, when the truth is SO much more juicy to talk about. But I wanted to address some of the things being said here in my blog. Much like Lady Gaga would do, only... less public (I mean I know I have readers, but this ain't no Vanity Fair).
1- I got kicked out of the drum corps.
No I most certainly did not! I made the choice to take a few steps away from the organization for a few months, and then was going to revisit the idea of marching again in the spring, if there was a spot available. With my involvement with the studio at the time, and my role as part time nanny/full time live in best friend/studio manager, and the threat of a key element/person deploying to the middle east, I just didn't see it making much sense to pull myself away from my "real" life on my weekends... which would have severely hindered my career at the time. I'm not sure where this whole "martha got kicked out yada yada yada" business came from... but it was 100% my choice to take a break. And a nap.
Things changed, so my life became a little more drum corps friendly and thats when I came to be fangirl 2011. And in case you haven't noticed, I'm hornline member number 61 anyway. I should make t -shirts.
2- That I was drinking ON the bus during the last bus ride.
Incorrect once again. Unless you count the coca-cola I had... Did I drink before I got on? yes. A lot? yes. But I filled up my coke bottle with COKE (the soda... not the drug) once we were told we were leaving. So for those of you who feel the need to send texts to the staff or the admin about what you THINK is going on... sniff the bottle. Puff puff pass.... bro.
In addition, I was laying on the floor at 12:17am getting ready to pass out. I would like to mention that there were about 5 people between he back of the bus and my seat that were up and talking and laughing when I decided I was sleepy panda. So the next time you make fun of me during stretch block claiming I was the one keeping everyone on the bus up, or decide to text staff about what you perceive to be true... perhaps you should actually look around and see who the culprit is. I was passed out like WHAT. Arnold Palmer made that happen for me. And for that, thank him.
Oh, btw... rehearsal started at 11 the next morning, so if you couldn't function during Sundays rehearsal b/c of lack of sleep... thats sort of on you this time.
3- Last season I supplied beer to minors.
3a- so that they would sleep with me.
Yeah. I know, right? I mean CLEARLY I am in such need of "someone" that I need to essentially pay someone 10 years younger than me for a good time, right? I mean, obviously. I just love to corrupt the youngins. And really, lets face it... buying them alcohol is the only way to get people to be with me, right?
okay, listen, had it ever occurred to you people that maybe, I just actually LIKED my section? And that I enjoyed hanging out with them, no matter the age? and thats why I hung out with those people? Or that maybe, just maybe... I'm single by choice? I can honestly say that I did not knowingly supply underagers with alcohol last season. Just ask my boyfriend Hakeem, right? since... ya know, he's in my age group and all... ;)
Way to go and make me seem like I'm paying people for sex too. Good work. Underagers no less. Its rumors like that that can really hurt someones professional career. Good work though... but it literally is UNBELIEVABLE. If you know anything about me, you'd know you have to be at least 25 to ride this ride ;)
4- which brings me to my next rumor I earned the title of corps whore
BWAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHA. HA. hahaha...... ha. ha. *whew* thats a good one! I mean, I know I flirt or whatever... but really? No. Just... haha. no. That really couldn't be farther from the truth. yeesh. HA
5- I went legitimately crazy last fall
Oh? Really? that must be some SWANK mental institution. Ya know... the one that lets me update facebook incessantly, work for a wedding photographer, travel all over the east coast, and participate in photoshoots? Right, thats what thought...
6-I'm into girls now
Right, clearly. are you basing that off of the guys I've dated or....? ...what? And even if I was... who the fuck cares. This is the lamest rumor ever.
7-I found out I was pregnant at Wildwood, which is why I wasn't at Kelly's on Saturday.
Did you get that impression from the 20lbs I LOST? It couldn't possibly be that I felt Kelly's was gonna be too crowded for me, or that I just didn't feel like getting wastey face. Its MUCH more plausible that I'm pregnant... right? You people make me laugh.
So those are the rumors I KNOW about. Which means that there are more. If I had a camera on my laptop, I probably would have addressed these one by one, all Jenna Marbles style, dressing up as each of these persona's that the rumors would suggest exist.
I am not mad about them, in fact, I think they're sort of funny. A friend of mine once asked me if I ever got angry about the things being said. I told them, simply... "no". Which is partially true. There have been a few rumors in the past that have definitely made me cringe and hurt a little. But when they are as ridiculous as "martha is a crazy preggers pedophile turned lesbo" I can't help but laugh it off. Sometimes bad stories can hurt someones career, I've seen them destroy lives. But in this particular case? nah. I'm sort of flattered that people feel the need to talk about my supposed "bad girl" habits... makes me feel like I have the paparazzi following me or something. But it'd be nice if one of the following things happened instead:
1-you would recognize all of the positive aspects of my awesome
2- stopped worrying about me and got your feet in time
I don't mind being the spotlight... But people, find something else to talk about.
In other more boring/upsetting drum corps news... They cancelled homeshow. I decided that I am going to go up and be member 61 anyway because... well, how can I corrupt the youth of the drum corps, if I'm not there?
too soon?
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