don't call it a come back!
I'm considering making a come back in the blogosphere.
I've had a lot of things that I've been wanting to say, questions I've wanted to ask and vent about in terms of... just life stuff.
It will probably read a little dull or righteous, but its not my intention. My intention is maybe talk through some stuff that floats around in my own head and give me some clarity. Any maybe, help others who are on a similar journey.
I've been dealing with some pretty heavy issues over the last two months. Actually, it hasn't even been two months since it all fell apart, but it seems like its been a lifetime because of the amount of stuff thats been happening around me. Everything from moving, to reconnecting, to heartbreak, to burning bridges and creating new ones, reestablishing a NOT normal sleep schedule, to loss, to drinking, to slander, to trust and to dishonesty, to quicksilvers, fighting and reconciliation, to glamour and laughter, and rockband and fireworks, and depression and crazy, and sad and happy. But most importantly, i think this is just the beginning of me searching for real answers about the world at large and the people that exist within it.
I write these things knowing that my perception of the world around me, is just a microcosm of what exists. I write these things knowing that what I experience may not matter to anyone else but me. But maybe understanding my own reality, and the things I see, and do... and sharing those experiences with people COULD matter to someone else. And my mom once told me that for her, processing "out loud" was easier. Because once she said it, or wrote it... only then could she truly examine it and understand it. So consider this, from here on out, a psychology and sociology experiment all in one. Its an examination of human behavior... more specifically: mine.
oh, and here:
keep on keepin on,
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