an interview with the... flave?
Its been over a month since my last post. Its not because of the lack of things to say, but actually quite the opposite. And I don't trust the internet either, so when I'm going through personal crisis's I tend to shy away from blogging, because its too easy to say things you don't mean here. And once its out there, you definitely can't take it back.
So, what IS going on, you say? Martha, I heard you're back in MD? Martha, I heard you lost weight, heard you're still a hottie! Martha, how do you maintain your awesomeness? Well, internet stalkers let me give you the abridged version... the one I'm WILLING to post on facebook. I know, my life is just too juicy.
The studio is up for sale. Now before you start spouting off childish rumors about what this means, let me explain. This does NOT mean the studio is shutting down. And you are all asshats for even beginning to think that. The studio made the executive decision that financially it makes MUCH more sense to move the studio back to the home office to take away all that overhead. This also means that we will be able to utilize the grounds for outside shoots on a much more regular basis and will allows for us to add square footage and build the studio how WE want it, rather than conforming to something that is already standing. Now, if we find a ginormous mansion that fits all of our specifications... then who knows. But for now, this makes the most financial sense in all senses of the word.
Begin interview:
But Martha, don't you live in the studio? What is your sweet ass gonna do?
---Why I am so glad you asked, internet world! I'm back in Maryland for the time being. There are many factors contributing to my return and why it happened so fast, and why most of you didn't even know I was back in the 21157... but I made the decision to move my "stuff" back to the guest bedroom of my parents place for the time being, to take a lot of the financial pressure off the studio with paying for bills.
But Martha, does this mean you left the studio? why would you leave such an awesome opportunity?
-- oh silly loyal readers, I didn't leave the studio. I mean, I left the physical presence of the Manor, but I did not leave the STUDIO. You're so silly.
But how can you work from MD? isn't part of your job to make Reading, PA know what the beautiful people look like?
--Absolutely. It is part of my job. And this is why I will never leave the wonderful latino city of Reading for more than a few days. Most of my job with the studio means being there for consultations, prepping for studio sessions, filing, organizing and researching things on the internet. A lot of the work that is the most time consuming for me, is things that I do behind the scenes and I can do that anywhere... Westminster, Limerick, Reading, Milan, Sydney, or Mumbai. As long as I have internet, I can work. I do recognize that with me being 2 hours away that it will but a big strain on my ability to drop everything and be somewhere in 40 minutes, but with the way we've structured our studio, there is nothing that we do that we don't know about at least a day ahead of time.
Okay, Martha.. but what about the Larkszz? don't you like.. spend ALL of your free time there?
-- yes. yes I do. And me being in MD makes it very difficult for me to just drive over and be like "guys, i'm here". But when I DO go over there, I usually spend like a week or so there anyway. So really, the driving will be about as much as when I was marching Buccaneers. And lets be honest, Mike and Jess are my best friends... and I can't really go more than a few days without talking to them. Judge all you want, but you should be so lucky to have people like them in your life.
So, Flave, if you're in MD... when should we expect the police phone call that you've killed your parents?
-- ahh, see, this is the biggest crux of my problem right now. My parents and I do best at loving each other from a far, or in short spurts. So me being here, is clearly not ideal for us on a personal level. Not to mention, the room where I'm staying is much smaller, and I'm not used to being space that I don't really consider my own. I'm also struggling with it from a financial stand point. I don't want to live here. Its not a permanent situation, at all, but... given the circumstances, it had to happen. But in all honestly, my parents have been nothing short of supporting and haven't nagged me once about the status of things. Which is impressive considering that little tiny bit about the situation that they know. Instead they sort of give me the worried mom/dad look when I take the drive back up to PA, and leave it at that. Given the stress of moving and the constant change, its been almost a breath of fresh air not having them come down so hard on me.
So move back, flave... why don't you just do that?
So, yes, I'd like to live in PA. But I'm not making enough money right now to support myself. I'd be more ashamed of that if I felt that it was because of any other reason than I always go all in with my life decisions, even if it makes sense to no one else but me. I always do what I believe is right. But I did, sort of screw myself in my "early" adult life with my scholastic situations, and I definitely don't have someone to support me and my life (not that thats something I need, but I don't have a back up really). So, that being said, getting a job that will make me enough dolla dolla bills to support me is tough, without killing myself. Especially since I want to invest as much time into the studio as I can. So I'm at a cross roads with how I want to deal with that. Because it makes sense to get a job in PA, if thats where I want to live... but I don't live there YET. So, then what...?
So, whats the plan then for you?
-- I don't know. That seems to be my answer about a lot of things lately. I want to be 100% in the studio. But I also know that unless the studio is making over 300,000 a year starting... NOW, that I can't be. I need to find something to at least supplement my income to a point. I can't stay on the Larkszzz couch 5 days a week, every week for the rest of my life. Its not good for me, or my back. But I'm sort of weighing my options. If there is anything I'm good at, its mulling things over. Fortunately I'm in no rush.
Okay Martha, we have to ask, how you stay so fly?
--Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard
When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard
Sippin sizzurp in my ride, like Three 6
Now I’m feelin so fly like a G6
So, which is a worse wake up call... Lacy the puppy jumping on your face, or Steven throwing a giant Boba Fett helmet on your face?
-- Hard to say. I love both of these lovebugs, don't make me choose!
Lets be honest flave, we all know you got some money for Christmas, why don't you use that to help the process along?
-- Well there are a few problems with that. One, no apartment complex is going to give me the time of day until I have proof of sustainable income. So while, yes, for the time being, I have some money... its not really "income". In addition, its not a TON of money. And I'd like to make it last as long as I can so that I can use it for things that will actually put me ahead, and bleeding it into rent without replacing it with some other funds, and then ACTUALLY being homeless. For right now, I'm sort of alright with taking stock, saving some money and doing things the right way rather than rushing into a decision that I will regret. Taking another giant leap of faith just isn't something I'm interested in doing at this exact moment. But as always, stay tuned ;)
So given all the moving, and the traveling, and the lack of drum corps, the changing, and the weather... how ARE you, really? Facebook from you hasn't been so positive, flave...
-- You're right. I've been dark and twisty lately. No, I'm not out of the woods yet by any means. There's a lot on my mind (I got mind on my money, and money on my mind), and its not all positive. No need to worry though, loyal and faithful stalkers, I will figure it out. Facebook just happens to be an outlet for me when sometimes, it really shouldn't be. In addition, I've also had leprosy... or something. I was so sick that in addition to the typical flu symptoms, I also developed cold sores/fever blisters/whatever you want to call them in and on my mouth. This made eating, drinking and brushing my teeth painful and bloody. This also made Marthapanda moody panda. I am feeling much better, even in my mouth hasn't completely healed, I can drink without wincing, and I'm not waking up every morning with bloody gums. So tack on all that wonderfulness to the stress of everything else, and I've just been totally pleasant... ;) I'm okay. I'm certainly better than I was a few weeks ago, and big ups to those (like Jami) who were literally at my bedside when I needed them. I just keep putting one foot forward, slowly... but one foot at a time.
So one last question, boston creme pie, not from boston, or a pie... please discuss?
--I see the relevancy here, considering how much I love pie. But to talk to me about food right now, when I can't really eat is just cruel. Screw you anonymous question poser. I want a fucking cheeseburger. But because I'm feeling better, you get one more question... make it good.
Favorite Lonely Island song... ready, go?
-- Ooohhhh tough one. I kind of am partial to "i'm on a boat" because of the summer of 2009, and "Like A Boss" is just... classic. "Threw it in the ground" is also highly underrated and "jizz in my pants" was one of my first loves.... But I have to tell you "i just had sex" is right up there. I'm hoping that the new album kicks just as much ass as the old one.
Okay okay, one last serious question flave, then we'll let you go on your way. Who DID let the dogs out?
-- I'm pretty sure it was Chuck Norris. And you need to stop asking before he lets HIS dog out on your face.
So, what IS going on, you say? Martha, I heard you're back in MD? Martha, I heard you lost weight, heard you're still a hottie! Martha, how do you maintain your awesomeness? Well, internet stalkers let me give you the abridged version... the one I'm WILLING to post on facebook. I know, my life is just too juicy.
The studio is up for sale. Now before you start spouting off childish rumors about what this means, let me explain. This does NOT mean the studio is shutting down. And you are all asshats for even beginning to think that. The studio made the executive decision that financially it makes MUCH more sense to move the studio back to the home office to take away all that overhead. This also means that we will be able to utilize the grounds for outside shoots on a much more regular basis and will allows for us to add square footage and build the studio how WE want it, rather than conforming to something that is already standing. Now, if we find a ginormous mansion that fits all of our specifications... then who knows. But for now, this makes the most financial sense in all senses of the word.
Begin interview:
But Martha, don't you live in the studio? What is your sweet ass gonna do?
---Why I am so glad you asked, internet world! I'm back in Maryland for the time being. There are many factors contributing to my return and why it happened so fast, and why most of you didn't even know I was back in the 21157... but I made the decision to move my "stuff" back to the guest bedroom of my parents place for the time being, to take a lot of the financial pressure off the studio with paying for bills.
But Martha, does this mean you left the studio? why would you leave such an awesome opportunity?
-- oh silly loyal readers, I didn't leave the studio. I mean, I left the physical presence of the Manor, but I did not leave the STUDIO. You're so silly.
But how can you work from MD? isn't part of your job to make Reading, PA know what the beautiful people look like?
--Absolutely. It is part of my job. And this is why I will never leave the wonderful latino city of Reading for more than a few days. Most of my job with the studio means being there for consultations, prepping for studio sessions, filing, organizing and researching things on the internet. A lot of the work that is the most time consuming for me, is things that I do behind the scenes and I can do that anywhere... Westminster, Limerick, Reading, Milan, Sydney, or Mumbai. As long as I have internet, I can work. I do recognize that with me being 2 hours away that it will but a big strain on my ability to drop everything and be somewhere in 40 minutes, but with the way we've structured our studio, there is nothing that we do that we don't know about at least a day ahead of time.
Okay, Martha.. but what about the Larkszz? don't you like.. spend ALL of your free time there?
-- yes. yes I do. And me being in MD makes it very difficult for me to just drive over and be like "guys, i'm here". But when I DO go over there, I usually spend like a week or so there anyway. So really, the driving will be about as much as when I was marching Buccaneers. And lets be honest, Mike and Jess are my best friends... and I can't really go more than a few days without talking to them. Judge all you want, but you should be so lucky to have people like them in your life.
So, Flave, if you're in MD... when should we expect the police phone call that you've killed your parents?
-- ahh, see, this is the biggest crux of my problem right now. My parents and I do best at loving each other from a far, or in short spurts. So me being here, is clearly not ideal for us on a personal level. Not to mention, the room where I'm staying is much smaller, and I'm not used to being space that I don't really consider my own. I'm also struggling with it from a financial stand point. I don't want to live here. Its not a permanent situation, at all, but... given the circumstances, it had to happen. But in all honestly, my parents have been nothing short of supporting and haven't nagged me once about the status of things. Which is impressive considering that little tiny bit about the situation that they know. Instead they sort of give me the worried mom/dad look when I take the drive back up to PA, and leave it at that. Given the stress of moving and the constant change, its been almost a breath of fresh air not having them come down so hard on me.
So move back, flave... why don't you just do that?
So, yes, I'd like to live in PA. But I'm not making enough money right now to support myself. I'd be more ashamed of that if I felt that it was because of any other reason than I always go all in with my life decisions, even if it makes sense to no one else but me. I always do what I believe is right. But I did, sort of screw myself in my "early" adult life with my scholastic situations, and I definitely don't have someone to support me and my life (not that thats something I need, but I don't have a back up really). So, that being said, getting a job that will make me enough dolla dolla bills to support me is tough, without killing myself. Especially since I want to invest as much time into the studio as I can. So I'm at a cross roads with how I want to deal with that. Because it makes sense to get a job in PA, if thats where I want to live... but I don't live there YET. So, then what...?
So, whats the plan then for you?
-- I don't know. That seems to be my answer about a lot of things lately. I want to be 100% in the studio. But I also know that unless the studio is making over 300,000 a year starting... NOW, that I can't be. I need to find something to at least supplement my income to a point. I can't stay on the Larkszzz couch 5 days a week, every week for the rest of my life. Its not good for me, or my back. But I'm sort of weighing my options. If there is anything I'm good at, its mulling things over. Fortunately I'm in no rush.
Okay Martha, we have to ask, how you stay so fly?
--Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard
When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard
Sippin sizzurp in my ride, like Three 6
Now I’m feelin so fly like a G6
So, which is a worse wake up call... Lacy the puppy jumping on your face, or Steven throwing a giant Boba Fett helmet on your face?
-- Hard to say. I love both of these lovebugs, don't make me choose!
Lets be honest flave, we all know you got some money for Christmas, why don't you use that to help the process along?
-- Well there are a few problems with that. One, no apartment complex is going to give me the time of day until I have proof of sustainable income. So while, yes, for the time being, I have some money... its not really "income". In addition, its not a TON of money. And I'd like to make it last as long as I can so that I can use it for things that will actually put me ahead, and bleeding it into rent without replacing it with some other funds, and then ACTUALLY being homeless. For right now, I'm sort of alright with taking stock, saving some money and doing things the right way rather than rushing into a decision that I will regret. Taking another giant leap of faith just isn't something I'm interested in doing at this exact moment. But as always, stay tuned ;)
So given all the moving, and the traveling, and the lack of drum corps, the changing, and the weather... how ARE you, really? Facebook from you hasn't been so positive, flave...
-- You're right. I've been dark and twisty lately. No, I'm not out of the woods yet by any means. There's a lot on my mind (I got mind on my money, and money on my mind), and its not all positive. No need to worry though, loyal and faithful stalkers, I will figure it out. Facebook just happens to be an outlet for me when sometimes, it really shouldn't be. In addition, I've also had leprosy... or something. I was so sick that in addition to the typical flu symptoms, I also developed cold sores/fever blisters/whatever you want to call them in and on my mouth. This made eating, drinking and brushing my teeth painful and bloody. This also made Marthapanda moody panda. I am feeling much better, even in my mouth hasn't completely healed, I can drink without wincing, and I'm not waking up every morning with bloody gums. So tack on all that wonderfulness to the stress of everything else, and I've just been totally pleasant... ;) I'm okay. I'm certainly better than I was a few weeks ago, and big ups to those (like Jami) who were literally at my bedside when I needed them. I just keep putting one foot forward, slowly... but one foot at a time.
So one last question, boston creme pie, not from boston, or a pie... please discuss?
--I see the relevancy here, considering how much I love pie. But to talk to me about food right now, when I can't really eat is just cruel. Screw you anonymous question poser. I want a fucking cheeseburger. But because I'm feeling better, you get one more question... make it good.
Favorite Lonely Island song... ready, go?
-- Ooohhhh tough one. I kind of am partial to "i'm on a boat" because of the summer of 2009, and "Like A Boss" is just... classic. "Threw it in the ground" is also highly underrated and "jizz in my pants" was one of my first loves.... But I have to tell you "i just had sex" is right up there. I'm hoping that the new album kicks just as much ass as the old one.
Okay okay, one last serious question flave, then we'll let you go on your way. Who DID let the dogs out?
-- I'm pretty sure it was Chuck Norris. And you need to stop asking before he lets HIS dog out on your face.
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