There's something in the Denny's coffee...

... that makes your bowels grind, and your head clear.

I know to most of you that doesn't mean anything. But its been long tradition for me and my Westminster crew to gather at Denny's, and stay up to wee hours of the morning talking about life, and music and movies until its 2am and we've come full circle with our conversations. Its therapeutic. Especially now since its not nearly as often. The staff used to know us there, and give us the same table, and just let us be for hours. We even pulled a 24 stint where someone was sitting at our table for 24 hours, and we just rotated. And one time, we got the manager in trouble for trying to kick us out for just ordering coffee. I've also seen street racing there, and saw a few of my funnier friends pick a fight with some thugs about a bad parking job. I've seen people break up there, and make up there. I've seen drunks, newly weds, underagers and scenesters all gather to the  wonderful Denny's. I've even been mouth raped by some very drunk army guy in that parking lot. In a lot of ways, Denny's means home. Denny's means comfort. Denny's means friendship.

Usually when I come home is for one of two reasons 1) I need to escape something or 2) there is a holiday of some sort that I need to celebrate. And then USUALLY I jet out of there as soon as I can. But this time, for some reason, being here didn't completely drive me insane.

Christmas was  good. No family drama like there usually is. Christmas eve was unbelievably fun. I love seeing 45 hammered adults sing Blue Christmas and talking about how insane their kids are. It was nice to have a little bragging rights about being on the cover of a magazine too. Nice change.

Christmas morning, my mother and I nursed some hangovers with coffee and eggnog and we began the present opening process. By the end of it, we ended up with some pretty cool loot. The theme for this year seemed to be pirates. I got some neat martini glasses with the skull and crossbones, and a pillow with the same logo, a cute bag too. I also got a GIANT bag of beef jerky, some gift cards, tickets to some shows in Bmore, a really kick ass out fit from the moms, and some money (lots of it i might add). Christmas dinner was super low key, which was also nice and then we just chilled at the house.

The following day I slept in, to find NO snow here, but tons in PA. So I tried to head up to the studio to shovel so that Mike and or Jess didn't have to. But, I got to York, slipped into a guard rail and decided that was enough. And then on the ride BACK to home, I slipped into a telephone pole. Totally fun, I totally recommend it!! /sarcasm. So after that I came home, watched some tv and passed out.

Yesterday/Today I hung around and just relaxed. I tied up some loose ends with some friends, and then went to hang out with Helene for a bit. It was nice to catch up with her. I have missed her IMMENSELY. We went to Denny's with Mike G and met up with Christian, where we chatted, and chilled and drank entirely too much coffee. When I got back to the 643, I grabbed some of my stuff thats been at Mike and Helenes since I've been in PA, and headed back here. And since Denny's coffee is very potent, I have been up, and its 7am.

(okay I am continuing this post from a few days ago... so excuse the tense changes...)

I finally slept for a few hours, woke up and decided NOT to go back to PA. I wasn't feeling well. So I decided to stay in Westminster, relax a little and recover before heading back to my real life. So, I woke up the next day, got my stuff together, played with the puppy, and headed out to the Larkszz for Christmas 2.0.

By the way, I totally rocked their world with awesome Christmas presents. Steven: I got him an Iron Man transformer, iron man mask and a light saber. Cady: Fairy Jewelry box, Rapunzel from Tangled, and a "matching" vanity set. Mike: Hot Tub Time Machine, Star Trek and the A-Team and Jess: Sex and the City 1 and 2 and the new Ke$sha album. :)   It was really good to see them too. It had been like over a week since I was able to hang out with them and really just chill. I miss them when I'm not there. They're my family.

This brings us to New Years: good LORD was that a good party. The theme was Sophisticated Pajama party. Meaning, that you show up classy, stay sassy, and at midnight, change into you what you're wear to bed. I was shocked to see how many people participated. :) I had a few emo moments thanks to an anonymous text (thanks doucher) that I'd rather not talk about. But after I vented about it, and drank a little more I was feeling MUCH better. :) The Fireworks from the pagoda were neat and everyone had a BLAST. Jess and I got "matching" lingerie for the wardrobe change, which was super fun too. It was jut a really great night over all. Everyone had fun, and got along and hung out and partied. I was most pleased. I really love my friends so much and I'm so glad that I have such amazing people around me, that like being around me. :)

The house, is still recovering. I think one more mop through of the downstairs, and then one more load of dishes and the downstairs is DONE. I'd like to steam mop the upstairs, and clean up the dressing room tonight as well. And then the house will be back to normal. I would have gotten more done yesterday except that, well, I didn't want to. People didn't leave until the afternoon, and then I ended up passing out for like 4 hours. And then again crashed around midnight... so... yeah. Whatever, I threw a good party, I should be allowed to take a break from the hostessing for like 2.8 seconds. For me, this was probably one of the more memorable NYE's for me, and I mean that in a VERY good way!

I woke up around 2am with a fever... and then kept hearing noises downstairs as if someone was in the house. It was freaking terrifying. I am still not sure what all the noises were about, but... oh well. I am hoping it was just an animal on one of the roofs or something. I don't know. No bueno. Once I woke up for real though, the house looked okay, so I cleaned up the Kids room, did some dishes and mopped, and then watched the Ravens ALMOST loose to the Bengals. Joy. A win's a win though, right?

Tonight Carla is going to come over and hang out with me, and I think Jami is too. :) I love having people over. I didn't get the opportunity to do that a whole lot during the summer/fall because the studio was so busy. Granted, I want the studio to be busy, but its been nice reconnecting during the holidays. :)

Speaking of the studio, I am very much looking forward to pushing forward with marketing in 2011. You better book us now while you still can folks... cuz I'm telling you, you'll be saying you knew us when! We've got our minds working and wheels turning and there's a lot of very cool things on the horizon. I'm excited. I've been working with the studio since, February of last year, and I think I am definitely starting to get more comfortable with it. It was big change to move up here give up my comfortable scenario, and start doing something I really hadn't had a ton of experience in, but I am SO glad that I did. It changed my life for the positive, and the things that I am able to be a part of now are just... never what I thought I would be involved with. Its really kind of neat.

Well, I WANT to wax philosophical about the birth of a new year, but I really just wanted to get this post out of my "edit" pile on my blog. So thats it for now... but I am sure before the end of the day there will be another post discussing my wants and needs now vs this time last year and such. And goals (NOT resolutions...) for the upcoming days. And I'm sure I'll become rather reflective. Cuz, thats how posts are during this time of the year. But rest assured my loyal friends and colleagues, I am feeling MUCH better than I was a few weeks ago in terms of emo-ness and anger. I think I finally just needed to vent about all the crap that happened a few months ago regarding MMX, and my parents and life and being broke. Once I said what I needed to say, or at least categorized it, I felt much better. Its amazing how much better you feel once you can actually pinpoint why things are bothering you as much as they are. And finding out the source of the problem was a HUGE help....

which is something else I'm sure I'll touch on in my first "official" new years post. See, I shouldn't have a blog, cuz I just start that whole stream of consciousness typing thing and then I keep going, and going... and going...  I'm like the freaking energizer bunny of conscious thought blogging.

you know you love me,


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